Hier werden Codes angegeben.
Kardinalität und Konformität:
Daten für den Überleitungsbogen eintragen (Daten eintragen) | 0...* | O |
FHIR®-Mapping: KBV_PR_MIO_ULB_RelatedPerson_Contact_Person.relationship.coding
Beziehung: Kopie von Code-Auswahl aus den KBV-Basis-Profilen Version 1.3.0 Bevorzugte Werteliste
Hier wird die Beziehung der Kontaktperson zur/zum PatientIn anhand eines Codes aus einer Werteliste angegeben.
Kardinalität und Konformität:
Daten für den Überleitungsbogen eintragen (Daten eintragen) | 0...* | O |
Elemente aus dem FHIR®-ValueSet: http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/relatedperson-relationshiptype
FHIR®-Mapping: KBV_PR_MIO_ULB_RelatedPerson_Contact_Person.relationship.coding
Beziehung: Kopie von Bevorzugte Werteliste aus den KBV-Basis-Profilen Version 1.3.0
Wert: Code
AnsprechpartnerIn in Notfällen | C | Emergency Contact | Contact Role | PatientRelationshipType |
ArbeitgeberIn | E | Employer | Contact Role | PatientRelationshipType |
Bundesbehörde | F | Federal Agency | Contact Role | PatientRelationshipType |
Versicherung | I | Insurance Company | Contact Role | PatientRelationshipType |
Kontaktperson | N | Next-of-Kin | Contact Role | PatientRelationshipType |
Andere | O | Other | Contact Role | PatientRelationshipType |
Landesbehörde | S | State Agency | Contact Role | PatientRelationshipType |
Unbekannt | U | Unknown | Contact Role | PatientRelationshipType |
Familienmitglied | FAMMEMB | family member | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Kind | CHILD | child | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Adoptivkind | CHLDADOPT | adopted child | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Adoptivtochter | DAUADOPT | adopted daughter | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Adoptivsohn | SONADOPT | adopted son | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Pflegekind | CHLDFOST | foster child | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Pflegetochter | DAUFOST | foster daughter | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Pflegesohn | SONFOST | foster son | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Tochter | DAUC | daughter | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Leibliche Tochter | DAU | natural daughter | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Stieftochter | STPDAU | stepdaughter | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Leibliches Kind | NCHILD | natural child | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Leiblicher Sohn | SON | natural son | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Sohn | SONC | son | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Stiefsohn | STPSON | stepson | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Stiefkind | STPCHLD | step child | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Erweitertes Familienmitglied | EXT | extended family member | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Tante | AUNT | aunt | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Tante mütterlicherseits | MAUNT | maternal aunt | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Tante väterlicherseits | PAUNT | paternal aunt | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Cousine | COUSN | cousin | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Cousin mütterlicherseits | MCOUSN | maternal cousin | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Cousin väterlicherseits | PCOUSN | paternal cousin | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Urgroßeltern | GGRPRN | great grandparent | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Urgroßvater | GGRFTH | great grandfather | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Urgroßvater mütterlicherseits | MGGRFTH | maternal great-grandfather | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Urgroßvater väterlicherseits | PGGRFTH | paternal great-grandfather | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Urgroßmutter | GGRMTH | great grandmother | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Urgroßmutter mütterlicherseits | MGGRMTH | maternal great-grandmother | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Urgroßmutter väterlicherseits | PGGRMTH | paternal great-grandmother | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Urgroßeltern mütterlicherseits | MGGRPRN | maternal great-grandparent | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Urgroßeltern väterlicherseits | PGGRPRN | paternal great-grandparent | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Enkelkind | GRNDCHILD | grandchild | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Enkeltochter | GRNDDAU | granddaughter | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Enkelsohn | GRNDSON | grandson | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Großeltern | GRPRN | grandparent | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Großvater | GRFTH | grandfather | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Großvater mütterlicherseits | MGRFTH | maternal grandfather | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Großvater väterlicherseits | PGRFTH | paternal grandfather | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Großmutter | GRMTH | grandmother | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Großmutter mütterlicherseits | MGRMTH | maternal grandmother | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Großmutter väterlicherseits | PGRMTH | paternal grandmother | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Großeltern mütterlicherseits | MGRPRN | maternal grandparent | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Großeltern väterlicherseits | PGRPRN | paternal grandparent | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Schwiegerkind | INLAW | inlaw | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Schwiegersohn | CHLDINLAW | child-in-law | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Schwiegertochter | DAUINLAW | daughter in-law | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Schwiegersohn | SONINLAW | son in-law | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Schwiegereltern | PRNINLAW | parent in-law | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Schwiegervater | FTHINLAW | father-in-law | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Schwiegermutter | MTHINLAW | mother-in-law | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Schwiegergeschwister | SIBINLAW | sibling in-law | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Schwager | BROINLAW | brother-in-law | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Schwägerin | SISINLAW | sister-in-law | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Nichte/Neffe | NIENEPH | niece/nephew | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Neffe | NEPHEW | nephew | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Nichte | NIECE | niece | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Onkel | UNCLE | uncle | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Onkel mütterlicherseits | MUNCLE | maternal uncle | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Onkel väterlicherseits | PUNCLE | paternal uncle | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Elternteil | PRN | parent | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Adoptivelternteil | ADOPTP | adoptive parent | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Adoptivvater | ADOPTF | adoptive father | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Adoptivmutter | ADOPTM | adoptive mother | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Vater | FTH | father | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Ziehvater | FTHFOST | foster father | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Leiblicher Vater | NFTH | natural father | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Leiblicher Vater des Fötus | NFTHF | natural father of fetus | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Stiefvater | STPFTH | stepfather | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Mutter | MTH | mother | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
werdende Mutter | GESTM | gestational mother | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Pflegemutter | MTHFOST | foster mother | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Leibliche Mutter | NMTH | natural mother | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Leibliche Mutter des Fötus | NMTHF | natural mother of fetus | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Stiefmutter | STPMTH | stepmother | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Leiblicher Elternteil | NPRN | natural parent | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Pflegemutter | PRNFOST | foster parent | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Stiefelternteil | STPPRN | step parent | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Geschwisterteil | SIB | sibling | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Bruder | BRO | brother | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Halbbruder | HBRO | half-brother | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Leiblicher Bruder | NBRO | natural brother | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Zwillingsbruder | TWINBRO | twin brother | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
zweieiiger Zwillingsbruder | FTWINBRO | fraternal twin brother | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Eineiiger Zwillingsbruder | ITWINBRO | identical twin brother | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Stiefbruder | STPBRO | stepbrother | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Halbgeschwister | HSIB | half-sibling | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Halbschwester | HSIS | half-sister | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Leibliches Geschwisterkind | NSIB | natural sibling | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Leibliche Schwester | NSIS | natural sister | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Zwillingsschwester | TWINSIS | twin sister | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Zweieiige Zwillingsschwester | FTWINSIS | fraternal twin sister | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Eineiige Zwillingsschwester | ITWINSIS | identical twin sister | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Zwilling | TWIN | twin | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Zweieiiger Zwilling | FTWIN | fraternal twin | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Eineiiger Zwilling | ITWIN | identical twin | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Schwester | SIS | sister | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Stiefschwester | STPSIS | stepsister | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Stiefgeschwister | STPSIB | step sibling | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Lebensgefährte/-in | SIGOTHR | significant other | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Lebenspartner/-in | DOMPART | domestic partner | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Ehemalige(r) EhepartnerIn | FMRSPS | former spouse | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
EhepartnerIn | SPS | spouse | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Ehemann | HUSB | husband | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Ehefrau | WIFE | wife | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Nicht verwandter Freund | FRND | unrelated friend | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Nachbar | NBOR | neighbor | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
Selbst | ONESELF | self | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType |
MitbewohnerIn | ROOM | Roommate | Role Code | PatientRelationshipType | Code aus einem Code-System
Hier wird ein Code eingetragen, vorzugsweise aus dem Code-System SNOMED CT® beziehungsweise LOINC®.
Kardinalität und Konformität:
Daten für den Überleitungsbogen eintragen (Daten eintragen) | 0...* | O |
Hier sollte zusätzlich zum Code auch das Code-System, die Version des Code-Systems und der Anzeigename (Display Name) übermittelt werden.
FHIR®-Mapping: KBV_PR_MIO_ULB_RelatedPerson_Contact_Person.relationship.coding
Beziehung: Kopie von Code aus einem Code-System aus den KBV-Basis-Profilen Version 1.3.0
Wert: Code