1.Änderungen im Vergleich zur Version 1.0.0
1.1 Informationsmodell
Anpassung an die KBV-Basis-Profile in der Version 1.1.3
- Die Elemente PatientIn, behandelnde Person, Einrichtung und Erstellungsdatum wurden aus der Version 1.1.3 der KBV-Basis-Profile abgeleitet und an das MIO Mutterpass angepasst
Erweiterung um folgende Elemente aufgrund des Beschlusses des G-BA vom 19.08.2021
- Pertussis-Impfung
- Bestimmung des fetalen Rhesus-Status
Streichung folgender Elemente aufgrund des Beschlusses des G-BA vom 19.08.2021
- Nitrit, Blut und Sediment, ggfs. bakteriologische Befunde beim Gravidogramm
- Sediment unauffällig bei der zweiten Untersuchung nach Entbindung
Inhaltliche Anpassung folgender Elemente
- In den Abschnitten Geburt, Wochenbett und zweite Untersuchung nach Entbindung jeweils unter 'Angaben zum Kind' → Das String-Element 'Nummer' wurde durch eine pid ersetzt
Strukturelle Anpassung folgender Elemente
- Blutgruppe des Kindes beim Wochenbett
- Stationäre Behandlung → Zeitraum
Redaktionelle Anpassung ohne inhaltliche Änderung folgender Elemente:
- Blutgruppenzugehörigkeit → Rhesus-System (Beschreibungstext)
- Schreibweise des Elements 'Cardiotokografie'
- Zweite Untersuchung nach Entbindung (Beschreibungstext)
- Laboruntersuchung, Ergebnis maskiert (statt 'Code Laboruntersuchung' nun 'Laboruntersuchung (LSR)')
Anpassung der Kardinalitäten
- PatientIn, Stempelinformationen des Arztes/der Klinik/der mitbetreuenden Hebamme, Stempelinformationen des Laborarztes/der Laborärztin und des Laboratoriums, Eintragende Person und Eintragende Einrichtung → Anpassung an die Kardinalitäten der KBV-Basis-Profile in der Version 1.1.3
- Geburtsdatum der Patientin → die zweite Bedingung ist nun "Nicht erlaubt"
- Bei mehreren Elementen → statt "required" nun "optional"
- Immunität anzunehmen → statt "conditional" nun "required"
- I. Ultraschallscreening → nun 0..2
Aufnahme von Operationalisierungshinweisen
- Beim I. und III. Ultraschallscreening
- Beim Katalog A
1.2 Codierung
Aktualisierung der Codes an aktuelles SNOMED CT® Release
Im Zuge des International Release 2021-07-31 wurden die Codes und Bezeichnungen (fully specified names) der Konzepte vollständig überarbeitet. Anpassung aller Codes und Bezeichnungen im Code-System.
Element im Informationsmodel | Version 1.0.0 | Version 1.1.0 | ||
Plazentalokalisation/-struktur normal | 169954003 | Placenta normal O/E (finding) | 289279004 | Placenta healthy (finding) |
Erythrozyten im Blut, Anzahl pro Volumen | 363787002:704319004=87612001,704327008=119297000,370134009=123029007,246093002=703062004,370132008=30766002,704318007=118550005 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Inheres in (attribute) = Blood (substance) , Direct site (attribute) = Blood specimen (specimen) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Component (attribute) = Population of all erythrocytes in portion of fluid (body structure) , Scale type (attribute) = Quantitative (qualifier value) , Property type (attribute) = Number concentration (property) (qualifier value) | 363787002:704319004=87612001,704327008=119297000,370134009=123029007,246093002=703062004,370132008=30766002,370130000=118550005 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Inheres in (attribute) = Blood (substance) , Direct site (attribute) = Blood specimen (specimen) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Component (attribute) = Population of all erythrocytes in portion of fluid (body structure) , Scale type (attribute) = Quantitative (qualifier value) , Property (attribute) = Number concentration (property) (qualifier value) |
Chlamydia trachomatis DNA aus einer Urinprobe mittels Nukleinsäure-amplifizierendem Test (NAT), Nachweis | 363787002:246093002=121181000,370134009=123029007,704327008=122575003,246501002=702675006,370132008=117363000,704318007=705057003,704319004=78014005 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Component (attribute) = Deoxyribonucleic acid of Chlamydia trachomatis (substance) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Direct site (attribute) = Urine specimen (specimen) , Technique (attribute) = Probe with target amplification technique (qualifier value) , Scale type (attribute) = Ordinal value (qualifier value) , Property type (attribute) = Presence (property) (qualifier value) , Inheres in (attribute) = Urine (substance) | 363787002:246093002=121181000,370134009=123029007,704327008=122575003,246501002=702675006,370132008=117363000,370130000=705057003,704319004=78014005 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Component (attribute) = Deoxyribonucleic acid of Chlamydia trachomatis (substance) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Direct site (attribute) = Urine specimen (specimen) , Technique (attribute) = Probe with target amplification technique (qualifier value) , Scale type (attribute) = Ordinal value (qualifier value) , Property (attribute) = Presence (property) (qualifier value) , Inheres in (attribute) = Urine (substance) |
Hämoglobin im Blut, Mol pro Volumen | 363787002:704319004=87612001,704327008=119297000,370134009=123029007,246093002=38082009,704318007=118556004,370132008=30766002 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Inheres in (attribute) = Blood (substance) , Direct site (attribute) = Blood specimen (specimen) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Component (attribute) = Hemoglobin (substance) , Property type (attribute) = Substance concentration (property) (qualifier value) , Scale type (attribute) = Quantitative (qualifier value) | 363787002:704319004=87612001,704327008=119297000,370134009=123029007,246093002=38082009,370130000=118556004,370132008=30766002 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Inheres in (attribute) = Blood (substance) , Direct site (attribute) = Blood specimen (specimen) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Component (attribute) = Hemoglobin (substance) , Property (attribute) = Substance concentration (property) (qualifier value) , Scale type (attribute) = Quantitative (qualifier value) |
Hämoglobin im Blut, Masse pro Volumen | 363787002:704319004=87612001,704318007=118539007,704327008=119297000,370134009=123029007,246093002=38082009,370132008=30766002 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Inheres in (attribute) = Blood (substance) , Property type (attribute) = Mass concentration (property) (qualifier value) , Direct site (attribute) = Blood specimen (specimen) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Component (attribute) = Hemoglobin (substance) , Scale type (attribute) = Quantitative (qualifier value) | 363787002:704319004=87612001,370130000=118539007,704327008=119297000,370134009=123029007,246093002=38082009,370132008=30766002 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Inheres in (attribute) = Blood (substance) , Property (attribute) = Mass concentration (property) (qualifier value) , Direct site (attribute) = Blood specimen (specimen) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Component (attribute) = Hemoglobin (substance) , Scale type (attribute) = Quantitative (qualifier value) |
HBs-Antigen im Serum, Nachweis | 363787002:370134009=123029007,370132008=117363000,704319004=50863008,246093002=22290004,704318007=705057003,704327008=119364003 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Scale type (attribute) = Ordinal value (qualifier value) , Inheres in (attribute) = Blood group antibody (substance) , Component (attribute) = Antigen of Hepatitis B virus surface protein (substance) , Property type (attribute) = Presence (property) (qualifier value) , Direct site (attribute) = Serum specimen (specimen) | 363787002:370134009=123029007,370132008=117363000,704319004=50863008,246093002=22290004,370130000=705057003,704327008=119364003 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Scale type (attribute) = Ordinal value (qualifier value) , Inheres in (attribute) = Blood group antibody (substance) , Component (attribute) = Antigen of Hepatitis B virus surface protein (substance) , Property (attribute) = Presence (property) (qualifier value) , Direct site (attribute) = Serum specimen (specimen) |
Röteln Virus Antikörper im Serum, Titer | 363787002:246093002=120737006,704318007=118590008,370134009=123029007,370132008=30766002,704319004=50863008,704327008=119364003 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Component (attribute) = Rubella virus antibody (substance) , Property type (attribute) = Dilution factor expressed as titer (property) (qualifier value) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Scale type (attribute) = Quantitative (qualifier value) , Inheres in (attribute) = Blood group antibody (substance) , Direct site (attribute) = Serum specimen (specimen) | 363787002:246093002=120737006,370130000=118590008,370134009=123029007,370132008=30766002,704319004=50863008,704327008=119364003 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Component (attribute) = Rubella virus antibody (substance) , Property (attribute) = Dilution factor expressed as titer (property) (qualifier value) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Scale type (attribute) = Quantitative (qualifier value) , Inheres in (attribute) = Blood group antibody (substance) , Direct site (attribute) = Serum specimen (specimen) |
Röteln Virus Antikörper im Serum, Konzentration IE pro Volumen | 363787002:246093002=120737006,370134009=123029007,370132008=30766002,704318007=118569000,704319004=50863008,704327008=119364003 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Component (attribute) = Rubella virus antibody (substance) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Scale type (attribute) = Quantitative (qualifier value) , Property type (attribute) = Arbitrary concentration (property) (qualifier value) , Inheres in (attribute) = Blood group antibody (substance) , Direct site (attribute) = Serum specimen (specimen) | 363787002:246093002=120737006,370134009=123029007,370132008=30766002,370130000=118569000,704319004=50863008,704327008=119364003 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Component (attribute) = Rubella virus antibody (substance) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Scale type (attribute) = Quantitative (qualifier value) , Property (attribute) = Arbitrary concentration (property) (qualifier value) , Inheres in (attribute) = Blood group antibody (substance) , Direct site (attribute) = Serum specimen (specimen) |
Röteln Virus Antikörper im Serum, Nachweis | 363787002:246093002=120737006,370134009=123029007,370132008=117363000,704319004=50863008,704318007=705057003,704327008=119364003 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Component (attribute) = Rubella virus antibody (substance) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Scale type (attribute) = Ordinal value (qualifier value) , Inheres in (attribute) = Blood group antibody (substance) , Property type (attribute) = Presence (property) (qualifier value) , Direct site (attribute) = Serum specimen (specimen) | 363787002:246093002=120737006,370134009=123029007,370132008=117363000,704319004=50863008,370130000=705057003,704327008=119364003 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Component (attribute) = Rubella virus antibody (substance) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Scale type (attribute) = Ordinal value (qualifier value) , Inheres in (attribute) = Blood group antibody (substance) , Property (attribute) = Presence (property) (qualifier value) , Direct site (attribute) = Serum specimen (specimen) |
Blutgruppen Antikörper-Suchtest im Serum/Plasma, Titer | 363787002:704318007=118590008,370134009=123029007,704327008=122592007,370132008=30766002,246093002=19830006,704319004=50863008 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Property type (attribute) = Dilution factor expressed as titer (property) (qualifier value) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Direct site (attribute) = Acellular blood (serum or plasma) specimen (specimen) , Scale type (attribute) = Quantitative (qualifier value) , Component (attribute) = Blood group antibody (substance) , Inheres in (attribute) = Blood group antibody (substance) | 363787002:370130000=118590008,370134009=123029007,704327008=122592007,370132008=30766002,246093002=19830006,704319004=50863008 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Property (attribute) = Dilution factor expressed as titer (property) (qualifier value) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Direct site (attribute) = Acellular blood (serum or plasma) specimen (specimen) , Scale type (attribute) = Quantitative (qualifier value) , Component (attribute) = Blood group antibody (substance) , Inheres in (attribute) = Blood group antibody (substance) |
Blutgruppen Antikörper-Suchtest im Serum/Plasma, Nachweis | 363787002:370134009=123029007,704327008=122592007,246093002=19830006,370132008=117363000,704319004=50863008,704318007=705057003 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Direct site (attribute) = Acellular blood (serum or plasma) specimen (specimen) , Component (attribute) = Blood group antibody (substance) , Scale type (attribute) = Ordinal value (qualifier value) , Inheres in (attribute) = Plasma (substance) , Property type (attribute) = Presence (property) (qualifier value) | 363787002:370134009=123029007,704327008=122592007,246093002=19830006,370132008=117363000,704319004=50863008,370130000=705057003 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Direct site (attribute) = Acellular blood (serum or plasma) specimen (specimen) , Component (attribute) = Blood group antibody (substance) , Scale type (attribute) = Ordinal value (qualifier value) , Inheres in (attribute) = Plasma (substance) , Property (attribute) = Presence (property) (qualifier value) |
AB0-System | 363787002:704319004=87612001,704327008=119297000,370134009=123029007,370132008=117362005,704318007=410656007,246093002=106202009 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Inheres in (attribute) = Blood (substance) , Direct site (attribute) = Blood specimen (specimen) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Scale type (attribute) = Nominal value (qualifier value) , Property type (attribute) = Type (property) (qualifier value) , Component (attribute) = Antigen in ABO blood group system (substance) | 363787002:704319004=87612001,704327008=119297000,370134009=123029007,370132008=117362005,118598001=410656007,246093002=106202009 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Inheres in (attribute) = Blood (substance) , Direct site (attribute) = Blood specimen (specimen) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Scale type (attribute) = Nominal value (qualifier value) , Property (attribute) = Type (property) (qualifier value) , Component (attribute) = Antigen in ABO blood group system (substance) |
Rhesus-System | 363787002:704319004=87612001,704327008=119297000,370134009=123029007,370132008=117362005,704318007=410656007,246093002=16951006 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Inheres in (attribute) = Blood (substance) , Direct site (attribute) = Blood specimen (specimen) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Scale type (attribute) = Nominal value (qualifier value) , Property type (attribute) = Type (property) (qualifier value) , Component (attribute) = Antigen in Rh blood group system (substance) | 363787002:704319004=87612001,704327008=119297000,370134009=123029007,370132008=117362005,118598001=410656007,246093002=16951006 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Inheres in (attribute) = Blood (substance) , Direct site (attribute) = Blood specimen (specimen) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Scale type (attribute) = Nominal value (qualifier value) , Property (attribute) = Type (property) (qualifier value) , Component (attribute) = Antigen in Rh blood group system (substance) |
Rhesus-System | 363787002:704319004=87612001,704327008=119297000,370134009=123029007,370132008=117362005,704318007=410656007,246093002=16951006 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Inheres in (attribute) = Blood (substance) , Direct site (attribute) = Blood specimen (specimen) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Scale type (attribute) = Nominal value (qualifier value) , Property type (attribute) = Type (property) (qualifier value) , Component (attribute) = Antigen in Rh blood group system (substance) | 363787002:704319004=87612001,704327008=119297000,370134009=123029007,370132008=117362005,370130000=410656007,246093002=16951006 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Inheres in (attribute) = Blood (substance) , Direct site (attribute) = Blood specimen (specimen) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Scale type (attribute) = Nominal value (qualifier value) , Property (attribute) = Type (property) (qualifier value) , Component (attribute) = Antigen in Rh blood group system (substance) |
Laboruntersuchung (LSR) | 363787002:246093002=120723002,370134009=123029007,370132008=117363000,704319004=50863008,704318007=705057003,704327008=119364003 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Component (attribute) = Treponema pallidum antibody (substance) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Scale type (attribute) = Ordinal value (qualifier value) , Inheres in (attribute) = Plasma (substance) , Property type (attribute) = Presence (property) (qualifier value) , Direct site (attribute) = Serum specimen (specimen) | 363787002:246093002=120723002,370134009=123029007,370132008=117363000,704319004=50863008,370130000=705057003,704327008=119364003 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Component (attribute) = Treponema pallidum antibody (substance) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Scale type (attribute) = Ordinal value (qualifier value) , Inheres in (attribute) = Plasma (substance) , Property (attribute) = Presence (property) (qualifier value) , Direct site (attribute) = Serum specimen (specimen) |
pH-Wert (Nabelarterie) | 363787002:370134009=123029007,704319004=12499000,246093002=89177007,704318007=702700007,370132008=30766002,704327008=703430008 | Observable entity (observable entity):Time aspect (attribute)=Single point in time (qualifier value),Inheres in (attribute)=Cord blood (substance),Component (attribute)=Proton (substance),Property type (attribute)=Logarithmic substance concentration (property) (qualifier value),Scale type (attribute)=Quantitative (qualifier value),Direct site (attribute)=Arterial cord blood specimen (specimen) | 363787002:370134009=123029007,704319004=12499000,246093002=89177007,370130000=702700007,370132008=30766002,704327008=703430008 | Observable entity (observable entity):Time aspect (attribute)=Single point in time (qualifier value),Inheres in (attribute)=Cord blood (substance),Component (attribute)=Proton (substance),Property (attribute)=Logarithmic substance concentration (property) (qualifier value),Scale type (attribute)=Quantitative (qualifier value),Direct site (attribute)=Arterial cord blood specimen (specimen) |
Blutgruppe und Untergruppen (nur bei RH neg.- Mutter; kein Ausweis!) | 365638007 | Finding of Rh blood group (finding) | 365638007 + 160499008 | Finding of Rh blood group (finding) + Child of (finding) |
Vaginale Untersuchung | 275963006 | On examination - vaginal examination (finding) | 113023007 | Examination of vagina (procedure) |
vag. Operation | 129125009:{363589002=236974004,408730004=398166005} | Procedure with explicit context (situation):{Associated procedure (attribute)=Instrumental delivery (procedure),Procedure context (attribute)=Performed (qualifier value)} | 236974004 | Instrumental delivery (procedure) |
Sektio | 200144004 | Deliveries by cesarean (finding) | 11466000 | Cesarean section (procedure) |
Spontangeburt | 169961004 | Normal birth (finding) | 177184002 | Normal delivery procedure (procedure) |
Kind verlegt am | 243796009:{363589002=37729005,408732007=67822003} | Situation with explicit context (situation) : { Associated procedure (attribute) = Patient transfer, in-hospital (procedure) , Subject relationship context (attribute) = Child (person) } | 107724000 | Patient transfer (procedure) |
Herzaktion | 277766008 | Awareness of heart beat (finding) | 249045009 | Fetal heart sounds present (finding) |
0h (Bombay) | 115733006 | Blood group O>h< Bombay Indian variant (finding) | 115731008 | Blood group O>h< Bombay (finding) |
U3 durchgeführt | 713020001 | Child into care medical examination done (situation) | 444084004 | Child examination with explicit context (situation) |
Stationäre Behandlung während der Schwangerschaft | 5491000179105 | Medical record summary (record artifact) | 422735006 | Summary clinical document (record artifact) |
Thorax - Auffällige Herz/Thorax-Relation (Blickdiagnose) | 441920005 | Radiographic shadow of heart abnormal (finding) | 249042007:47429007=65476007 | Fetal heart finding (finding) : Associated with (attribute) = Abnormal size (finding) |
Blutgruppe und Untergruppen (nur bei RH neg.- Mutter; kein Ausweis!) | 365638007+160499008 | Finding of Rh blood group (finding) + Child of (finding) | 365638007+118188004 | Finding of Rh blood group (finding) + Finding of neonate (finding) |
Angaben zum Kind | 118188004 | Finding of neonate (finding) | 133906008 : 363702006 = 118188004 | Postpartum care (regime/therapy) : Has focus (attribute) : = Finding of neonate (finding) |
AU (Abdomen/Thorax-Umfang) | 396552003:704321009=268445003 | Abdominal circumference (observable entity) : Characterizes (attribute) = Ultrasound scan - obstetric (procedure) | 1156896009 | Thoracoabdominal circumference of fetus (observable entity) |
FOD (Fronto-okzipitaler Durchmesser) | 304602002:704327008=3332001 | Antenatal ultrasound finding (observable entity) : Direct site (attribute) = Occipitofrontal diameter of head (body structure) | 1156893001 | Occipitofrontal diameter of fetal head (observable entity) |
FS (Fruchtsackdurchmesser) | 248326004:704325000=70847004 | Body measure (observable entity) : Relative to (attribute) = Structure of amnion (body structure) | 1156895008 | Diameter of amniotic sac (observable entity) |
Embryo darstellbar | 404684003:{418775008=446522006,363698007=609524001,363713009=52101004} | Clinical finding (finding):{Finding method (attribute)=Ultrasonography in first trimester (procedure)|,Finding site (attribute)=Entire embryo proper (body structure),Has interpretation (attribute)=Present (qualifier value)} | 1157306001 | Embryo present in utero (finding) |
Gynäkologischer Befund normal | 404684003:{363714003=83607001,363713009=17621005} | Clinical finding (finding):{Interprets (attribute)=Gynecologic examination (procedure),Has interpretation (attribute)=Normal (qualifier value)} | 1157297002 | Gynecologic examination normal (finding) |
Diagnosetest auffällig nein | 166926006 | Glucose tolerance test normal (finding) | 1156100006 | Pregnancy with normal glucose tolerance test (finding) |
Beratung über ausreichende Jodzufuhr während der Stillzeit erfolgt | 409066002:363702006=438901000124107 | Education, guidance and counseling (procedure) : Has focus (attribute) = Iodine supplement therapy (regime/therapy) | 1157300007 | Education about iodine supplement therapy (procedure) |
Krebsfrüherkennungsuntersuchung | 409066002:363702006=15886004 | Education, guidance and counseling (procedure): Has focus (attribute) = Screening for cancer (procedure) | 1156103008 | Education about screening for malignant neoplasm (procedure) |
Schwangerschaftswoche+Tage | 57036006 | Fetal gestational age (observable entity) | 1156738004 | Fetal gestational age in weeks and days (observable entity) |
Schwangerschaftswoche+Tage (korrigiert) | 57036006:246501002=278395004 | Fetal gestational age (observable entity):Technique (attribute)= Imaging technique (qualifier value) | 1157308000 | Corrected fetal gestational age in weeks and days (observable entity) |
Rumpf - Darstellbarkeit des Magens im linken Oberbauch | 302292003:363714003=(364146002:704327008=86367003) | Finding of trunk structure (finding) : Interprets (attribute) = ( Stomach observable (observable entity) : Direct site (attribute) = Structure of left upper quadrant of abdomen (body structure) ) | 1157188005 | Stomach present in left upper quadrant of abdomen (finding) |
Kopf Darstellbarkeit des Kleinhirns | 406122000+106112009+106111002:{363698007=113305005} | Head finding (finding) + Fetal finding (finding) + Clinical sign related to pregnancy (finding) : { Finding site (attribute) = Cerebellar structure (body structure) } | 1157174006 | Cerebellum present (finding) |
(21) Komplikationen bei vorausgegangenen Entbindungen | 417662000:{408731000=410513005,408729009=410515003,246090004=199745000,408732007=410604004} | History of clinical finding in subject (situation) : { Temporal context (attribute) = In the past (qualifier value), Finding context (attribute) = Known present (qualifier value),Associated finding (attribute) = Complication occurring during labor and delivery (disorder), Subject relationship context (attribute) = Subject of record (person)} | 1156096005 | History of complication occurring during labor and delivery (situation) |
(22) Komplikationen post partum | 417662000:{408731000=410513005,408729009=410515003,246090004=80113008,408732007=410604004} | History of clinical finding in subject (situation) : { Temporal context (attribute) = In the past (qualifier value), Finding context (attribute) = Known present (qualifier value), Associated finding (attribute) = Complication of the puerperium (disorder), Subject relationship context (attribute) = Subject of record (person)} | 1156097001 | History of complication of puerperium (situation) |
(8) Rhesus-Inkompatibilität (bei vorangegangenen Schwangerschaften) | 312850006:246090004=44795003 | History of disorder (situation):Associated finding (attribute)=Rhesus isoimmunization affecting pregnancy (disorder) | 1156098006 | History of Rhesus isoimmunization affecting pregnancy (situation) |
Rumpf - Darstellbarkeit der Harnblase | 441687008:{363713009=17621005,363714003=169251004} | Imaging of genitourinary system abnormal (finding):{Has interpretation (attribute)=Normal (qualifier value),Interprets (attribute)=Ultrasound scan of bladder (procedure)} | 1157173000 | Bladder present (finding) |
Perzentil | 363787002:370130000=118583003 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Property (attribute) = Percentile (property) (qualifier value) | 1157309008 | Percentile of fetal growth (observable entity) |
(24) Zustand nach anderen Uterusoperationen | 416940007:363589002=79876008 | Past history of procedure (situation): Associated procedure (attribute) = Operation on uterus (procedure) | 1156095009 | History of operation on uterus (situation) |
Schwangerschaft festgestellt am/in der | 74036000:370130000=410672004 | Pregnancy detection examination (procedure) : Property (attribute) = Date property (qualifier value)| | 1156894007 | Date of pregnancy detection (observable entity) |
Thorax - Darstellbarkeit des Vier-Kammer-Blicks | 169221005:363698007=43487005 | Ultrasound obstetric scan normal (finding):Finding site (attribute)=All chambers of the heart (body structure) | 1157164008 | All chambers of heart present (finding) |
Zum HIV-Antikörpertest | 409066002:363702006=165813002 | Education, guidance and counseling (procedure): Has focus (attribute) = Human immunodeficiency virus antibody test (procedure) | 1156102003 | Education about screening for human immunodeficiency virus (procedure) |
Kontrollbedürftig | 129125009:408730004=410525008 | Procedure with explicit context (situation) : Procedure context (attribute) = Needed (qualifier value) | 1157303009 | Requires follow-up (finding) |
Thorax - Persistierende Arrythmie im Untersuchungszeitraum | 249042007:246090004=(698247007:371881003=243788004) | Fetal heart finding (finding) : Associated finding (attribute) = Cardiac arrhythmia (disorder) : During (attribute) = Child examination (procedure) ) | 289444003:371881003=243788004 | Irregular fetal heart rhythm (finding) : During (attribute) = Child examination (procedure) |
Aufnahme der Codes für folgende Elemente
- Pertussis-Impfung
Code | Bezeichnung im Code-System | Code-System |
132751000119107 | Diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis vaccination given (situation) | SNOMED Clinical Terms |
- Bestimmung des fetalen RhD-Status
Code | Bezeichnung im Code-System | Code-System |
365638007+106112009 | Finding of Rh blood group (finding) + Fetal finding (finding) | SNOMED Clinical Terms |
- Angaben zur Mutter
Code | Bezeichnung im Code-System | Code-System |
133906008 | Postpartum care (regime/therapy) | SNOMED Clinical Terms |
Aufnahme des LOINC® Codes als Mapping zu dem dazugehörigen gemappten SNOMED CT® Codes
- Körpergewicht
Code | Bezeichnung im Code-System | Code-System |
29463-7 | Body weight | LOINC® |
Anpassung des Codes beim Element 'Wochenbett'
- Code bei dem oberen Element wurde entfernt und auf das Element 'Angaben zur Mutter' verschoben
1.3 Technische Spezifikation
Anpassung der Version auf 1.1.0
- Bei allen Profilen, Extensions, CodeSystemen, ValueSets, ConceptMaps und Beispieldateien
Aktualisierung der Version von SNOMED CT® und LOINC®
Anpassung spezifischer Codes
- Entsprechend den in Abschnitt 1.2 erwähnten Aktualisierungen
Ergänzung folgender Profile
- Ergänzung von KBV_PR_MIO_MR_Observation_Blood_Group_Serology_Fetus aufgrund des Beschlusses des G-BA vom 19.08.2021
- Ergänzung von KBV_PR_MIO_MR_Observation_Child_Position_At_Birth, um die Position des Kindes bei der Geburt mit entsprechendem ValueSet darstellen zu können und als Differenzierung zum Profil KBV_PR_MIO_MR_Observation_Child_Position
Anpassung einzelner Profile:
- Aufteilung von KBV_PR_MIO_MR_ClinicalImpression_First_Examination_After_Childbirth in KBV_PR_MIO_MR_ClinicalImpression_First_Examination_After_Childbirth_Child und KBV_PR_MIO_MR_ClinicalImpression_First_Examination_After_Childbirth_Mother
- Aufteilung von KBV_PR_MIO_MR_Observation_Examination in KBV_PR_MIO_MR_Observation_Examination und KBV_PR_MIO_MR_Observation_Examination_Masked
- Ergänzung der ConceptMap an KBV_PR_MIO_MR_ClinicalImpression_Pregnancy_Examination_Discharge_Summary.finding
- KBV_PR_MIO_MR_Observation_Para.value[x] und KBV_PR_MIO_MR_Observation_Gravida.value[x] → valueInteger statt valueQuantity
- Ergänzung von MustSupports in KBV_PR_MIO_MR_DiagnosticReport_Ultrasound_II und KBV_PR_MIO_MR_DiagnosticReport_Ultrasound_III
- KBV_PR_MIO_MR_Observation_Previous_Pregnancy: Constraint zur Begrenzung der Länge des Date auf 4 Stellen
- KBV_PR_MIO_MR_Procedure_Counselling → Ergänzung des fixed Value des Status
- KBV_PR_MIO_MR_Observation_Baseline_Weight_Mother → Ergänzung des fixed Value des Codes und Löschung des ValueSets
- KBV_PR_MIO_MR_Patient_Child, KBV_PR_MIO_MR_Practitioner und KBV_PR_MIO_MR_Composition → Ergänzung der Profil-Definition
- KBV_PR_MIO_MR_Patient_Child: Als Identifier wird für das Kind nicht mehr die Nummer-Extension am Identifier verwendet, sondern die pid, die in Form einer UUID vorliegen muss
- KBV_PR_MIO_MR_Observation_Weight_Child → Ergänzung der Version in meta.profile
- Anpassung der Referenzen in Sections der Composition → viele Observations sind nicht mehr direkt in der Composition sondern über die dort referenzierten DiagnosticReports und ClinicalImpressions referenziert
- KBV_PR_MIO_MR_Observation_Cardiotocography.code.coding.display.extension → Anpassung des fixedValue
- Da sich KBV_PR_MIO_MR_ClinicalImpression_Birth_Examination_Child_Information auf das geborene Kind bezieht, referenziert es jetzt nicht mehr die Mutter sondern das Kind als subject.
Anpassung folgender ValueSets, ConceptMaps, CodeSystems:
- Ergänzung der Pertussis_Impfung in KBV_VS_MIO_MR_Immunization_Status, KBV_CM_MIO_MR_Immunization_Status_German und KBV_CS_MIO_MR_Immunization_Status_German
Anpassung an die KBV-Basis-Profile in der Version 1.1.3
- Die Änderungshistorie der KBV-Basis-Profile kann unter V1.1.3 eingesehen werden
Ergänzung von Leerzeichen beim Hinweistext
2. Änderungen im Vergleich zur Version 1.1.0 Kommentierung
2.1 Informationsmodell
Inhaltliche Anpassungen:
- Ergänzung folgenden Elements: "Entbindungstermin (ggf. nach Verlauf korrigiert)“ im Format TT/MM/JJJJ
- Anpassung des Datentyps bei pH im Abschnitt Geburt auf 2 Nachkommastellen
- Anpassung der Bezeichnung ValueSet Geburtsmodus auf "vaginal operativ"
- Hämoglobin wird nur noch in g/dL dargestellt in Anlehnung an die Angaben aus den Mu-RL
Redaktionelle Anpassungen:
- Ergänzung des Beschreibungstextes für die Erläuterung der Schwangerschaftswoche+Tage wie folgt: "Eine Schwangere, die beispielsweise 40+3 (=40 Wochen und 3 Tage) schwanger ist, befindet sich demnach in der 41. SSW."
- Anpassung der Rationale (überall): Link verweist auf die Seite mit der jeweils gültigen Anlage 3 zu den Mu-RL
- Schreibweise beim Element fetaler Rhesus-Status angepasst auf fetaler RHD-Status (kursiv und großgeschrieben) → dies entspricht laut G-BA Beschluss vom 19.08.2021 der korrekten Nomenklatur
Aufnahme von Operationalisierungshinweisen:
- Übergreifender Operationalisierungshinweis zum Umgang mit verschiedenen MIO-Versionen
- Hinweis beim Rhesus-Status der Mutter
2.2 Codierung
Anpassung folgender Codes:
Element im Informationsmodel | Version 1.1.0 Kommentierung | Version 1.1.0 Benehmensherstellung | ||
Diagnosetest | 386053000:{363702006=271062006,363702006=442260000,363702006=49167009} | Evaluation procedure (procedure) : {Has focus (attribute) = Fasting blood glucose measurement (procedure), Has focus (attribute) = Measurement of glucose 1 hour after glucose challenge for glucose tolerance test (procedure), Has focus (attribute) = Measurement of glucose 2 hours after glucose challenge for glucose tolerance test (procedure)} | 699731004 | |Glucose tolerance test, antenatal (procedure)| |
Bestimmung des fetalen RHD-Status | 365638007 + 106112009 | |Finding of Rh blood group (finding)| + |Fetal finding (finding)| | 365645007 + 106112009 | |Finding of Rh genotype (finding)| + |Fetal finding (finding)| |
Ultraschall - Plazentalokalisation/-struktur normal Der alte Code 169954003 |Placenta normal O/E (finding)| ist bei SNOMED inaktiv daher wird der Code postcodiert. | 289279004 | |Placenta healthy (finding)| | 169952004 : 260245000 = 17621005 | |Placental finding (finding)| : |Finding value (qualifier value)| = |Normal (qualifier value)| |
Auffällige Herz-Thorax-Relation (Blickdiagnose) | 249042007:47429007=65476007 | Fetal heart finding (finding) : Associated with (attribute) = Abnormal size (finding) | 370380004 : { 363713009 = 394845008 } { 363714003 = ( 282290005: 704327008 = 80891009+ 51185008 } { 370130000 = 118593005 } | |Ultrasound scan finding (finding)| : { |Has interpretation (attribute)| = |Potentially abnormal (qualifier value)| } { |Interprets (attribute)| = ( |Imaging interpretation (observable entity)| : |Direct site (attribute)| = |Heart structure (body structure)| + |Thoracic structure (body structure)| ) } { |Property (attribute)| = |Relative ratio (property) (qualifier value)| } |
Vaginale Untersuchung | 113023007 | |Examination of vagina (procedure)| | 113023007 + 51597003 | |Examination of vagina (procedure)| + |Manual palpation of vagina (procedure)| |
Berechneter Entbindungstermin | 161714006 | Estimated date of delivery (observable entity)| | 289206005 | |Estimated date of delivery from last period (observable entity)| |
Berechneter Entbindungstermin | 11778-8 | Delivery date Estimated | 11779-6 | Delivery date Estimated from last menstrual period |
Blutgruppen-System-RH_MP | 165747007 |RhD positive (finding)| | |RhD positive (finding)| | 365645007 + 165747007 | |Finding of Rh genotype (finding)| + |RhD positive (finding)| |
Blutgruppen-System-RH_MP | 165746003 | |RhD negative (finding)| | 365645007 + 165746003 | |Finding of Rh genotype (finding)| + |RhD negative (finding)| |
Aufnahme folgender Codes:
Entbindungstermin (ggf. nach Verlauf korrigiert):
- 738070007 |Estimated date of delivery from antenatal ultrasound scan (observable entity)|
- 90368-2 Deliery date Estimated from physical exam
Aktualisierung der LOINC® auf die Version 2.71
2.3 Technische Spezifikation
Anpassung spezifischer Codes
- Entsprechend den in Abschnitt 2.2 erwähnten Aktualisierungen
Anpassung folgender Profile
- Gravida und Para → Änderung von valueInteger auf valueQuantity
3. Änderungen im Vergleich zur Version 1.1.0 Benehmensherstellung
3.1 Codierung
- Anpassung der Codes bei den Terminologie Assoziationen zu folgenden Elementen:
- Laboruntersuchungen → Blutgruppenzugehörigkeit → Blutgruppensysteme: Blutgruppensysteme
- Epikrise à Wochenbett à Angaben zum Kind: Angaben zum Kind