In Anlage 3 zu den Mutterschafts-Richtlinien sind spezifische, zu dokumentierende Laboruntersuchungen vorgegeben. Diese können aus der Liste der aufgeführten Codes ausgewählt werden. Sollte darüber hinaus die Dokumentation einer weiteren Laboruntersuchung erforderlich sein, kann der Code für eine nicht weiter spezifizierte Laboruntersuchung verwendet werden und entsprechend ergänzende Angaben dokumentiert werden.
Kardinalität und Konformität:
Daten eintragen (Einträge erzeugen) | 1...1 | M |
Die Erläuterungen zu den Konformitäten und Kardinalitäten finden Sie unter: Erläuterungen, Phase I
Rationale: Anlage 3 (Mutterpass) zu den Mutterschafts-Richtlinien (Stand: Februar 2020), S., 2, 3, 7, 8, 15, 16
FHIR®-Mapping: KBV_PR_MIO_MR_Observation_Examination.code
Wert: Code
Laboruntersuchung (unspezifisch) | 30954-2 | Relevant diagnostic tests/laboratory data Narrative | LOINC®, 2.69 |
15220000 | Laboratory test (procedure) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 | |
Blutgruppen Antikörper-Suchtest im Serum/Plasma, Nachweis | 890-4 | Blood group antibody screen [Presence] in Serum or Plasma | LOINC®, 2.69 |
363787002 : 370134009 = 123029007 , 704327008 = 122592007 , 246093002 = 19830006 , 370132008 = 117363000 , 704319004 = 50863008 , 370130000 = 705057003 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Direct site (attribute) = Acellular blood (serum or plasma) specimen (specimen) , Component (attribute) = Blood group antibody (substance) , Scale type (attribute) = Ordinal value (qualifier value) , Inheres in (attribute) = Plasma (substance) , Property (attribute) = Presence (property) (qualifier value) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 | |
Blutgruppen Antikörper-Suchtest im Serum/Plasma, Titer | 15343-7 | Blood group antibody screen [Titer] in Serum or Plasma | LOINC®, 2.69 |
363787002 : 370130000 = 118590008 , 370134009 = 123029007 , 704327008 = 122592007 , 370132008 = 30766002 , 246093002 = 19830006 , 704319004 = 50863008 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Property (attribute) = Dilution factor expressed as titer (property) (qualifier value) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Direct site (attribute) = Acellular blood (serum or plasma) specimen (specimen) , Scale type (attribute) = Quantitative (qualifier value) , Component (attribute) = Blood group antibody (substance) , Inheres in (attribute) = Blood group antibody (substance) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 | |
Röteln Virus Antikörper im Serum, Nachweis | 22496-4 | Rubella virus Ab [Presence] in Serum | LOINC®, 2.69 |
363787002 : 246093002 = 120737006 , 370134009 = 123029007 , 370132008 = 117363000 , 704319004 = 50863008 , 370130000 = 705057003 , 704327008 = 119364003 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Component (attribute) = Rubella virus antibody (substance) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Scale type (attribute) = Ordinal value (qualifier value) , Inheres in (attribute) = Blood group antibody (substance) , Property (attribute) = Presence (property) (qualifier value) , Direct site (attribute) = Serum specimen (specimen) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 | |
Röteln Virus Antikörper im Serum, Konzentration IE pro Volumen | 8013-5 | Rubella virus Ab [Units/volume] in Serum | LOINC®, 2.69 |
363787002 : 246093002 = 120737006 , 370134009 = 123029007 , 370132008 = 30766002 , 370130000 = 118569000 , 704319004 = 50863008 , 704327008 = 119364003 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Component (attribute) = Rubella virus antibody (substance) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Scale type (attribute) = Quantitative (qualifier value) , Property (attribute) = Arbitrary concentration (property) (qualifier value) , Inheres in (attribute) = Blood group antibody (substance) , Direct site (attribute) = Serum specimen (specimen) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 | |
Röteln Virus Antikörper im Serum, Titer | 22497-2 | Rubella virus Ab [Titer] in Serum | LOINC®, 2.69 |
363787002 : 246093002 = 120737006 , 370130000 = 118590008 , 370134009 = 123029007 , 370132008 = 30766002 , 704319004 = 50863008 , 704327008 = 119364003 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Component (attribute) = Rubella virus antibody (substance) , Property (attribute) = Dilution factor expressed as titer (property) (qualifier value) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Scale type (attribute) = Quantitative (qualifier value) , Inheres in (attribute) = Blood group antibody (substance) , Direct site (attribute) = Serum specimen (specimen) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 | |
Chlamydia trachomatis DNA aus einer Urinprobe mittels Nukleinsäure-amplifizierendem Test (NAT), Nachweis | 6357-8 | Chlamydia trachomatis DNA [Presence] in Urine by NAA with probe detection | LOINC®, 2.69 |
363787002 : 246093002 = 121181000 , 370134009 = 123029007 , 704327008 = 122575003 , 246501002 = 702675006 , 370132008 = 117363000 , 370130000 = 705057003 , 704319004 = 78014005 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Component (attribute) = Deoxyribonucleic acid of Chlamydia trachomatis (substance) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Direct site (attribute) = Urine specimen (specimen) , Technique (attribute) = Probe with target amplification technique (qualifier value) , Scale type (attribute) = Ordinal value (qualifier value) , Property (attribute) = Presence (property) (qualifier value) , Inheres in (attribute) = Urine (substance) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 | |
HBs-Antigen im Serum, Nachweis | 5195-3 | Hepatitis B virus surface Ag [Presence] in Serum | LOINC®, 2.69 |
363787002 : 370134009 = 123029007 , 370132008 = 117363000 , 704319004 = 50863008 , 246093002 = 22290004 , 370130000 = 705057003 , 704327008 = 119364003 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Scale type (attribute) = Ordinal value (qualifier value) , Inheres in (attribute) = Blood group antibody (substance) , Component (attribute) = Antigen of Hepatitis B virus surface protein (substance) , Property (attribute) = Presence (property) (qualifier value) , Direct site (attribute) = Serum specimen (specimen) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 | |
Hämoglobin im Blut, Masse pro Volumen | 718-7 | Hemoglobin [Mass/volume] in Blood | LOINC®, 2.69 |
363787002 : 704319004 = 87612001 , 370130000 = 118539007 , 704327008 = 119297000 , 370134009 = 123029007 , 246093002 = 38082009 , 370132008 = 30766002 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Inheres in (attribute) = Blood (substance) , Property (attribute) = Mass concentration (property) (qualifier value) , Direct site (attribute) = Blood specimen (specimen) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Component (attribute) = Hemoglobin (substance) , Scale type (attribute) = Quantitative (qualifier value) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 | |
Hämoglobin im Blut, Mol pro Volumen | 59260-0 | Hemoglobin [Moles/volume] in Blood | LOINC®, 2.69 |
363787002 : 704319004 = 87612001 , 704327008 = 119297000 , 370134009 = 123029007 , 246093002 = 38082009 , 370130000 = 118556004 , 370132008 = 30766002 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Inheres in (attribute) = Blood (substance) , Direct site (attribute) = Blood specimen (specimen) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Component (attribute) = Hemoglobin (substance) , Property (attribute) = Substance concentration (property) (qualifier value) , Scale type (attribute) = Quantitative (qualifier value) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 | |
Erythrozyten im Blut, Anzahl pro Volumen | 26453-1 | Erythrocytes [#/volume] in Blood | LOINC®, 2.69 |
363787002 : 704319004 = 87612001 , 704327008 = 119297000 , 370134009 = 123029007 , 246093002 = 703062004 , 370132008 = 30766002 , 370130000 = 118550005 | Observable entity (observable entity) : Inheres in (attribute) = Blood (substance) , Direct site (attribute) = Blood specimen (specimen) , Time aspect (attribute) = Single point in time (qualifier value) , Component (attribute) = Population of all erythrocytes in portion of fluid (body structure) , Scale type (attribute) = Quantitative (qualifier value) , Property (attribute) = Number concentration (property) (qualifier value) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |
Die verwendeten Code-Systeme finden Sie hier Verwendete Code-Systeme, Phase I.