In diesem Element können die Risikonummern aus dem "Katalog B" angegeben werden.
Kardinalität und Konformität:
Daten eintragen (Einträge erzeugen) | 0...* | O |
Rationale: Anlage 3 (Mutterpass) zu den Mutterschafts-Richtlinien (Stand: Februar 2020), S.6, 8
FHIR®-Mapping: KBV_PR_MIO_MR_ClinicalImpression_Pregnancy_Chart_Entry.finding
Wert: Code
(27) Behandlungsbedürftige Allgemeinerkrankungen | 27624003 | Chronic disease (disorder) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |
(28) Dauermedikation | 710814002 | Long-term current use of drug therapy (situation) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |
(29) Abusus | 66214007 | Substance abuse (disorder) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |
(30) Besondere psychische Belastung | 271596009 | Mental distress (finding) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |
(31) Besondere soziale Belastung | 161152002 | Social problem (finding) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |
(32) Blutungen vor der 28. SSW | 723665008 | Vaginal bleeding complicating early pregnancy (disorder) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |
(33) Blutungen nach der 28. SSW | 427139004 | Third trimester bleeding (disorder) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |
(34) Placenta praevia | 36813001 | Placenta previa (disorder) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |
(35) Mehrlingsschwangerschaft | 16356006 | Multiple pregnancy (disorder) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |
(36) Hydramnion | 86203003 | Polyhydramnios (disorder) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |
(37) Oligohydramnie | 59566000 | Oligohydramnios (disorder) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |
(38) Terminunklarheit | 237238006 | Pregnancy with uncertain dates (finding) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |
(39) Placenta-Insuffizienz | 237292005 | Placental insufficiency (disorder) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |
(40) Isthmozervikale Insuffizienz | 17382005 | Cervical incompetence (disorder) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |
(41) Vorzeitige Wehentätigkeit | 6383007 | Premature labor (finding) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |
(42) Anämie | 199246003 | Anemia during pregnancy - baby not yet delivered (disorder) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |
(43) Harnwegsinfekt | 307534009 | Urinary tract infection in pregnancy (disorder) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |
(44) Indirekter Coombstest positiv | 165775009 | Indirect Coombs test positive (finding) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |
(45) Risiko aus anderen serologischen Befunden | 47200007 : 418775008 = 312404004 | High risk pregnancy (finding) : Finding method (attribute) = Antenatal blood tests (procedure) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |
(46) Hypertonie (Blutdruck über 140/90) | 82771000119102 | Hypertension complicating pregnancy (disorder) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |
(47) Pathologische Eiweißausscheidung | 29738008 | Proteinuria (finding) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |
(48) Mittelgradige - schwere Ödeme | 698632006 : 263502005 = 371924009 | Pregnancy induced edema (disorder) : Clinical course (attribute) = Moderate to severe (qualifier value) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |
(49) Hypotonie | 45007003 | Low blood pressure (disorder) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |
(50) Gestationsdiabetes | 11687002 | Gestational diabetes mellitus (disorder) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |
(51) Einstellungsanomalie | 289365005 | Finding of malposition of fetus (finding) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |
(52) Andere Besonderheiten | 118185001 | Finding related to pregnancy (finding) | SNOMED CT®, 2021-07-31 |